Tack för att vi har fått följa er, det har varit mycket trevligt.Kanske du Simon eller någon annan får
lust att blogga om något annat intressant, säg till i så fall. Jag kommer nämligen att sakna läsandet.
Kaffe och sagostund lät lockande.
Grym resa och trevlig läsning!
Låter som ni hade det sjukt trevligt!
Sköt om er.
Tack för en fantasisk reseblogg.Kommer att sakna den. Välkommen hem.
Tack för en fantasisk reseblogg.Kommer att sakna den. Välkommen hem.
Dear Guys,
Time ago I came across your blog. First of all I must say that as I am not Swedish, I couldn’t understand a word in the first instant, however, and drawn by curiosity I used the Google Translate tool in order to find out what was it about. I was fascinated right away; it was such a lovely trip you had planned, interesting, and at the same time fun to read. Since then I have been following your page.
I have enjoy seeing those countries through your eyes, I have laugh, sometimes felt bit sorry for you :o) and many others have wished I could jump through the screen to swim in those beautiful beaches you have been.
I like very much the way you have narrated it, being objective, respectful while keeping it funny. I also liked the 5 of you took turns to write it, that gave me as the reader, the opportunity to somehow see your different personalities.
Many times I wanted to leave a comment on your page, but feeling an “outsider” I chose not to. Tonight it’s different, I have read the last part, and somehow felt disappointed “my trip” was over. So, I though “Well, why not?”
I want to thank you for posting this Blog, I am sure you have taken more people in your journey that the ones who have posted. I very glad you made it back home safe. I agree the order in which you visited these countries was the best way, and most importantly, I totally agree there is so much to learn from the people in the developing countries. Happiness, like the sun and the moon are available to all of us, the ones who want to pay attention.
Well done! Congratulations!
Sincerely Lisak! Groetjes!
Hello Lisak!
Thank YOU!
We only thought it would be our nearest fiends and family that would follow us on our blog. And I´m very glad that you also found it!
How did you find it? I guess that your from Holland?
It´s almost a month since we landed back in Sweden and we are back in the "normal" life. I just pass by our blog tonight to remind myself of all the fun, adrenalin, food and great experience we during the two intensive months we had. Something new was happening every day but i think we where pretty relaxed when the trip was over anyway=)
Have you been to asia or do you have plans to go to the paradise?
In that case I hope you have a lot of hot tips from our blog!
I´m very glad that you found our blog and appreciate it the way that you did! I´m impressed of the cleverness to use a translationprogram to get the possibility of reading our swedish. We started the blog so the people who care for us could se that we where okay and our position. So we appreciate that someone else also enjoyed our writing.
Thank you
Kind regards